
Get Wikipedia descriptions in tooltips.

View the Project on GitHub pmtarantino/wikiUp


Get Wikipedia descriptions in tooltips.


Include: jQuery.js, wikiUp.js and wikiUp.css

Then, call like this:

<span data-wiki="Apple Inc.">Apple</data> was founded by <data data-wiki="Steve Jobs">Steve Jobs</span>.
If you want to get data in a different language, use data-lang:
<span data-wiki="Madrid" data-lang="es">Madrid</span> es la capital de España.

Previously, it used the HTML element data, but it didn't validate with HTML5, so now it will get any element with the data-wiki attribute.


I never been in San Francisco. I live in Buenos Aires.

Apple was founded by Steve Jobs.


The CSS3 tooltips are created by Horacio Bella.